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Advanced interventions¤

In this example we'll cover

  • how to schedule interventions on specific model stages;
  • how to write you own interventions.

Adding an intervention to a specific model stage¤

We've already used [add_intervenor][feedbax.intervene.add_intervenor] and schedule_intervenor to add interventions to models. In doing so, we did not make any mention of the names of any of the model stages. When a stage name is not provided when an intervention is added, by default it will be executed before the first model stage.

Interventions assigned to a named model stage are always called at the end of that stage, after the state operation defined by that stage's model component. Check the generalized definition of SimpleFeedback.__call__ from the preceding example if you're unsure about exactly how this happens.

Now we'll see an example where the default behaviour won't achieve the desired result, and it'll be necessary to specify that an intervention should be applied at a particular stage of a model.

First: train the model we'll be applying interventions to, and see how it behaves without them.

import jax

from feedbax.xabdeef import point_mass_nn_simple_reaches

seed = 1234
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(seed)
key_init, key_train, key_eval = jax.random.split(key, 3)

context = point_mass_nn_simple_reaches(key=key_init)

task = context.task  # Shorthand, for later

model, train_history = context.train(
Training step compiled in 2.50 seconds.
Validation step compiled in 2.10 seconds.

Training iteration 0:                                        
    training loss: 2.38e+01
    validation loss: 5.09e+00

Training iteration 500:                                                
    training loss: 3.95e-03
    validation loss: 7.38e-04

Final training iteration (999):                                        
    training loss: 2.65e-03
    validation loss: 5.68e-04

Training iteration:: 100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [00:22<00:00, 44.50it/s]

Completed training run on a total of 250,000 trials.

from feedbax import plot

states = task.eval(model, key=key_eval)

_ = plot.effector_trajectories(states, trial_specs=task.validation_trials)
2024-04-14T11:57:44.336589 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.8.2, −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 x −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 y Position −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 ̇ x −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ̇ y Velocity −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 f x −0.6 −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 f y Control force

Inspecting staged models¤

We're going to intervene on the hidden state of one of the units in the neural network, so let's examine the neural network to see how we might proceed.

First, what kind of model is the network? Is it even staged?
  hidden_nonlinearity=<function identity_func>,
  out_nonlinearity=<function identity_func>,

So it's a SimpleStagedNetwork, which is a staged model. To be sure, you could check that a model is staged isinstance -- in this case, isinstance(, AbstractStagedModel) returns True.

Next, we'll examine the model stages. Use pprint_model_spec to get a summary of the components called on each stage:

from feedbax import pprint_model_spec

hidden: GRUCell
hidden_nonlinearity: wrapped: identity_func
readout: wrapped: wrapped
out_nonlinearity: wrapped: identity_func

This printout doesn't include information about the inputs and states associated with each stage, but if you check out the source code for SimpleStagedNetwork.model_spec, you'll see it should look something like:

    'hidden': ModelStage(
        callable=lambda self: self.hidden,
        where_input=lambda input, state: ravel_pytree(input)[0],
        where_state=lambda state: state.hidden,
    'readout': ModelStage(
        callable=lambda self: wrap_stateless_keyless_callable(self.readout),
        where_input=lambda input, state: state.hidden,
        where_state=lambda state: state.output,
    'out_nonlinearity': ModelStage(
        callable=lambda self: wrap_stateless_keyless_callable(self.out_nonlinearity),
        where_input=lambda input, state: state.output,
        where_state=lambda state: state.output,

If we want to intervene on the value of the hidden state, it matters where we add the intervention.

If we don't specify a stage name, then the intervention will happen before the first ('hidden') model stage. That means the state of the GRUCell will be altered before its forward pass: the forward pass will take the altered hidden state as input, and return an updated hidden state from which the network's readout will be taken.

On the other hand, if we add the intervention to the 'hidden' stage, it will be applied after the forward pass of the GRUCell -- so it will alter the hidden state right before the readout is taken.

Adding the intervention¤

Let's see if the choice of stage affects the outcome. Consider an intervention that clamps one unit in the network to a constant value on each step in a trial. To achieve this, we'll use the intervenor NetworkClamp.

NetworkClamp takes a unit_spec array that has the same shape as the activity array for the layer we want to alter. The unit_spec should be filled with NaN everywhere, except for the unit(s) we want to clamp. We'll clamp just one unit.

import jax.numpy as jnp

unit = 30
clamped_activity = 1

unit_spec = jnp.full(, jnp.nan)

# Change the activity value for just the single specified unit.
unit_spec =[unit].set(clamped_activity)
from feedbax.intervene import NetworkClamp, add_intervenor

# Construct two models, with the intervenor added at different stages.
model_clamp_pre, model_clamp_post = [
            # The unit spec is specific to the hidden layer, but there are other layers
            # specified by a `NetworkState`. We specify `out_where` so the intervenor knows
            # which part we're intervening on.
            out_where=lambda net_state: net_state.hidden,
        where=lambda model:,
    # Passing `None` as the stage name engages the default behaviour,
    # where the intervention is applied before the first stage.
    for stage_name in [None, 'hidden']

How does this affect the network's behaviour?

Here's the effect when we apply the perturbation before the forward pass of the RNN:

_ = plot.effector_trajectories(
    task.eval(model_clamp_pre, key=key_eval),
2024-04-14T11:57:46.582776 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.8.2, −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 y Position −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 ̇ x −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ̇ y Velocity −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 f x −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 f y Control force

And after:

_ = plot.effector_trajectories(
    task.eval(model_clamp_post, key=key_eval),
2024-04-14T11:57:48.364376 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.8.2, −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 x −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 y Position −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 ̇ x −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 ̇ y Velocity −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 f x −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 f y Control force

The difference is subtle in this case, but if you look closely you'll see that the effect of the perturbation is a bit larger when it is applied after the forward pass of the GRUCell, as shown in the second set of plots.

Because we used add_intervenor to add the intervention directly to the model, it will always be applied with the constant parameters we chose. The model itself has no knowledge of trial-by-trial variation, it simply runs through the trials that are specified to it by the task.

Time-varying interventions¤

Here's an example of an intervention that is only applied at one time step in each trial. In this case we'll need to use schedule_intervenor to set an intervention schedule.

We'll add an impulse perturbation to one of the sensory feedback variables, 80% of the way through the reaching trials. At this point, the point mass has already slowed down at the goal position.

In particular, we'll add 10.0 to the value of the feedback variable that gives information to the neural network about the \(x\) position of the point mass. From the network's perspective, it will look like the point mass has suddenly jumped a very large distance to the right of the target, for a single time step. (It will probably react immediately to this insult.)

First, we construct the parameters that the intervenor will need.

import jax.numpy as jnp

impulse_amp = -5.0
impulse_dim = 1  # 0=x, 1=y
impulse_var = 0  # 0=position, 1=velocity

# Get the index of the time step 80% of the way through the trials
t_impulse = int(model.n_steps * 0.8)

# The x and y variables are stored in the same array. We only perturb x,
# so make a mask that's 1 at x and 0 at y.
# (This will still work if we switch impulse_var to 1 (that is, perturb the velocity)
#  because the velocity array has the same x/y shape as the position array.)
array_mask = jnp.zeros((2,)).at[impulse_dim].set(1)

# Make a mask that's 1 at the time step at which the impulse will be applied, and 0 elsewhere
trial_mask = jnp.zeros((model.n_steps - 1,), bool).at[t_impulse].set(True)

Now, schedule the intervenor ConstantInput. This intervenor does elementwise addition to a PyTree of state arrays, where arrays gives the arrays to add to those in the state—here, we're just adding to a single state array—and scale gives a factor by which to multiple arrays before adding it.

We'll add this intervenor to model.step.feedback_channels[0], which is the first (and only) Channel object that belongs to this model and supplies feedback information to the neural network. Channel is a model with two stages:

from feedbax import pprint_model_spec

update_queue: wrapped: Channel._update_queue_zerodelay
add_noise: wrapped: Channel._add_noise

We want to perturb the channel's output -- that is state.output, where state is a ChannelState. Therefore we'll add the intervenor to the end of the stage 'update_queue', after the model overwrites state.output by pulling a sample out of the feedback queue. If we applied the intervention before that happened, its effect would be nullified by the overwrite.

from feedbax.intervene import ConstantInput, schedule_intervenor, TimeSeriesParam

task_fb_impulse, model_fb_impulse = schedule_intervenor(
    task, model,
            # Note that `out_where` is not a scheduled, but a fixed parameter.
            # This is how we choose to perturb the position array, in particular.
            out_where=lambda state: state.output[impulse_var],
    where=lambda model: model.step.feedback_channels[0],

Note that we wrap trial_mask as a TimeSeriesParam so that the task knows to provide this parameter as-is, rather than broadcasting it to a trajectory like it will normally do. We assign this parameter to active, which is a parameter that all intervenors have, that determines whether the intervention is active at the moment. In this case, we only make the intervention active on a single time step.

How does this perturbation affect the model's behaviour?

_ = plot.effector_trajectories(
    task_fb_impulse.eval(model_fb_impulse, key=key_eval),
    straight_guides=True,  # Show dashed lines for "ideal" straight reaches
2024-04-14T11:59:31.914239 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.8.2, −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 x −0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 y Position −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 ̇ x −0.4 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 ̇ y Velocity −0.50 −0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 f x −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 f y Control force

As soon as the network is informed that the point mass has "moved" very far to the right, it pushes back strongly to the left. The point mass moves to the left. In the time steps that follow, feedback is normal, so the network starts to react to the leftward movement by starting to reverse course back towards the goal. The trial ends before it gets back.

Writing a custom intervenor¤

Many interventions will have the same general form. For example, ConstantInput (constant array) and AddNoise (function).

Intervenors are subclasses of AbstractIntervenor. Each type of intervenor is associated with a type of parameter PyTree, which is a subclass of AbstractIntervenorInput.

For example, CurlField is associated with CurlFieldParams. Here's how they're defined.

from import Callable

from jaxtyping import Array, ArrayLike, PRNGKeyArray

from feedbax.intervene import AbstractIntervenor, AbstractIntervenorInput
from feedbax.mechanics import MechanicsState

class CurlFieldParams(AbstractIntervenorInput):
    """Parameters for a curl force field."""
    amplitude: float = 0.
    active: bool = True

class CurlField(AbstractIntervenor[MechanicsState, CurlFieldParams]):
    """Apply a curl force field to a mechanical effector."""

    params: CurlFieldParams = CurlFieldParams()
    in_where: Callable[[MechanicsState], Array] = lambda state: state.effector.vel
    out_where: Callable[[MechanicsState], Array] = lambda state: state.effector.force
    operation: Callable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], ArrayLike] = lambda x, y: x + y
    label: str = "CurlField"

    def transform(
        params: CurlFieldParams,
        substate_in: Array,
        key: PRNGKeyArray,
    ) -&gt; Array:
        """Transform velocity into curl force."""
        scale = params.amplitude * jnp.array([-1, 1])
        return scale * substate_in[..., ::-1]

Defining a subclass of AbstractIntervenorInput is straightforward. It must include a field active: bool, which determines if the intervention is currently active. The other fields are the parameters of the intervenor that we might want to vary over time or across trials. In the case of a curl force field, that's the amplitude of the field—where positive and negative amplitudes correspond to counterclockwise and clockwise fields.

The subclass of AbstractIntervenor must define all of the fields that can be seen in CurlField. In particular:

  • params is the static set of parameters associated with the intervenor.
    • If the intervenor is added to a model using add_intervenor, these are the constant parameters of the intervention.
    • If the intervenor is scheduled with a task using schedule_intervenor, they are the default parameters that will be combined with the trial-by-trial parameters provided by the task.
  • in_where and out_where are the functions that select the intervenor's input and output, from the state of the model that the intervenor belongs to.
    • CurlField is an intervenor that's added to a Mechanics model, so in_where and out_where will be passed an instance of MechanicsState.
    • For the case of a CurlField applied to an effector, the input is the velocity of the effector, and the output is the (linear) force applied to the effector.
  • operation is the function that is used to update the model's state (at out_where) with the output of the intervenor.
    • For example, CurlField outputs forces on the effector, but we generally want these to add onto any forces already applied to the effector, not to replace them completely—so the function is addition lambda x, y: x + y.
    • Here, x is the original substate and y is the intervenor's output, so if we wanted to replace the original substate entirely, we'd use lambda x, y: y.
  • label is a unique label associated with the intervenor, among all the intervenors that have been added to a model or task. Normally you don't set this yourself. It is adjusted by schedule_intervenor to make sure that intervention parameters are associated with the right intervenor.

All of these fields can be changed at the time of construction. For example, we might need to change in_where or out_where if we are using an intervenor to transform between parts of the state that appear in unusual places in the state PyTree.

Finally, the state operation performed by the intervention is defined by the transform method. This method is passed the following arguments:

  • params, which merges any trial-by-trial parameters with the defaults in the params field described above;
  • substate_in, which is the part of the model state selected by in_where. In the case of CurlField, this is (by default) the array containing the effector velocities.

Typing of intervenors

AbstractIntervenor is a [Generic] of type variables bound to AbstractState and to AbstractIntervenorInput. This is why CurlField inherits from AbstractIntervenor[MechanicsState, CurlFieldParams]. When we type a variable as CurlField elsewhere, we'll be able to infer whether other variables that provide model state (MechanicsState?) and parameter PyTrees (CurlFieldParams?) are compatible with this type of intervention.

Intervenors where in_where == out_where

For many kinds of interventions, the input and the output substates are identical. For example, when adding noise to a state, the input is the substate to which to add noise, and the output is the noise to be added to the same substate.

For now, this must be explicitly specified.