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Serialisation¤ (path: str | Path,tree: PyTree[eqx.Module],hyperparameters: Optional[dict] = None) -> None

Save a PyTree to disk along with hyperparameters used to generate it.

Assumes none of the hyperparameters are JAX arrays, as these are not JSON serialisable.

Based on the Equinox serialisation example.


Name Type Description Default
path str | Path

The path of the file to be saved. Note that the file at this path will be overwritten if it exists.

tree PyTree[Module]

The PyTree to save. Its structure should match the return type of a function setup_func, which will be passed to load.

hyperparameters Optional[dict]

A dictionary of arguments for setup_func that were used to generate the PyTree, and upon loading, will be used to regenerate an appropriate skeleton to populate with the saved values from tree.


feedbax.load (path: Path | str,setup_func: Callable[..., PyTree[Any, T]],**kwargs) -> PyTree[Any, T]

Setup a PyTree from stored data and hyperparameters.


Name Type Description Default
path Path | str

The path of the file to be loaded.

setup_func Callable[..., PyTree[Any, T]]

A function that returns a PyTree of the same structure as the PyTree that was saved to path, and which may take as arguments hyperparameters which save may have saved to the same file. It must take a keyword argument key.
