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Plant dynamics¤

feedbax.mechanics.plant.PlantState (Module, Generic[StateT]) ¤

The state of a biomechanical model.

Some models may only possess a skeleton, with forces input directly by a controller.

Attributes. skeleton: The state of the skeleton. muscles: The state of the muscles, if included in the model.

feedbax.mechanics.plant.AbstractPlant (AbstractStagedModel[PlantState], AbstractDynamicalSystem[PlantState]) ¤

Base class for models of muscoloskeletal systems.

These models describe both 1) the continuous dynamics, and 2) instantaneous dependencies between variables.

For example, we may model 1) the rate of change of skeletal joint angles given torques applied to the joints, but also 2) the force generated by a muscle, which is not described by a differential equation but is directly dependent in each instant on the skeletal geometry.

Kinematic/geometric updates are specified in model_spec, and dynamic updates in dynamics_spec. Calling an AbstractPlant instance will only perform the kinematic updates defined in model_spec. Normally we wrap the instance in a Mechanics instance to discretize the dynamics—then, calling the Mechanics instance will perform both sets of updates.


Name Type Description
skeleton AbstractVar[AbstractSkeleton]

The model of skeletal dynamics.

muscle_model AbstractVar[AbstractSkeleton]

The muscle model, if the model includes muscles.

clip_states AbstractVar[bool]

Whether to clip the state to its bounds.

vector_field (t: Scalar,state: PlantState,input: PyTree[Array]) -> PlantState

Return the time derivatives of musculoskeletal variables, where those derivatives are defined.

Aggregates vector fields for different substates of the plant state, as described by dynamics_spec.


Name Type Description Default
t Scalar

The simulation time. Typically this is unused by any of the constituent fields.

state PlantState

The state of the musculoskeletal system.

input PyTree[Array]

The control inputs to the musculoskeletal system.

init (*,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> PlantState
abstractmethod ¤

Returns a default state for the plant.

model_spec () -> OrderedDict[str, ModelStage[Self, PlantState]]

Specifies kinematic updates to the musculoskeletal state.

dynamics_spec () -> Mapping[str, DynamicsComponent[PlantState]]

Aggregates differential equations for different substates of the musculoskeletal state.

input_size () -> int

Number of control inputs.

feedbax.mechanics.plant.DirectForceInput (AbstractPlant) ¤

Model of a skeleton controlled directly by forces/torques—no muscles.

This is essentially a wrapper for an AbstractSkeleton, it skeleton conforms with the interface expected by Mechanics.

It also adds optional state clipping.


Name Type Description
skeleton AbstractSkeleton

The model of skeletal dynamics.

muscle_model AbstractSkeleton


clip_states bool

Whether to clip the state to its bounds.

intervenors ModelIntervenors[PlantState]

Intervenors associated with each model stage.

model_spec: OrderedDict[str, ModelStage[Self, PlantState]] property ¤

Specifies at most one model stage: state clipping, if it is enabled.

dynamics_spec: Mapping[str, DynamicsComponent[PlantState]] property ¤

Specifies a single dynamical component: the skeleton.

input_size: int property ¤

Equal to the skeleton's input size.

__init__ (skeleton: AbstractSkeleton,clip_states: bool = True,intervenors: Optional[ArgIntervenors] = None,*,key: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None)


Name Type Description Default
skeleton AbstractSkeleton

The model of skeletal dynamics.

clip_states bool

Whether to clip the state to its bounds.

intervenors Optional[ArgIntervenors]

Intervenors associated with each model stage.

init (*,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> PlantState

Return a default state for the plant.

feedbax.mechanics.plant.MuscledArm (AbstractMuscledPlant) ¤

Model of a two-link arm actuated by muscles.


Name Type Description
skeleton AbstractSkeleton

The model of skeletal dynamics.

muscle_model AbstractMuscle

The muscle model.

activator AbstractDynamicalSystem

The muscle activator, such as ActivationFilter.

clip_states bool

Whether to clip the states to their bounds.

n_muscles int

The number of muscles.

moment_arms Float[Array, 'links=2 muscles']

The moment arms of the muscles with respect to the joints.

theta0 Float[Array, 'links=2 muscles']

The optimal angles of the muscles with respect to the joints.

l0 Float[Array, muscles]

The optimal length for each muscle.

f0 Float[Array, muscles]

The maximum isometric force for each muscle.

intervenors ModelIntervenors[PlantState]

Intervenors associated with each model stage.

model_spec: OrderedDict[str, ModelStage[Self, PlantState]] property ¤

Specifies kinematic updates to the musculoskeletal state.

dynamics_spec: Mapping[str, DynamicsComponent[PlantState]] property ¤

Specifies the components of the muscled arm dynamics.

input_size: int property ¤

Equal to the number of muscles.

__init__ (muscle_model: AbstractMuscle,activator: AbstractDynamicalSystem,skeleton: AbstractSkeleton = TwoLinkArm(),clip_states: bool = True,moment_arms: Float[Array, 'links=2 muscles'] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] = jnp.array(((2.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, -2.0), (0.0, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, -1.5))),theta0: Float[Array, 'links=2 muscles'] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] = 2 * jnp.pi * jnp.array(((15.0, 4.88, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5, 2.12), (0.0, 0.0, 80.86, 109.32, 92.96, 91.52))) / 360.0,l0: Float[Array, muscles] | Sequence[float] = jnp.array((7.32, 3.26, 6.4, 4.26, 5.95, 4.04)),f0: Float[Array, muscles] | Sequence[float] = jnp.array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),intervenors: Optional[ArgIntervenors] = None,*,key: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None)


Name Type Description Default
muscle_model AbstractMuscle

The muscle model.

activator AbstractDynamicalSystem

The muscle activator.

skeleton AbstractSkeleton

The model of skeletal dynamics.

clip_states bool

Whether to clip the state to its bounds.

moment_arms Float[Array, 'links=2 muscles'] | Sequence[Sequence[float]]

The moment arms of the muscles with respect to the joints.

array(((2.0, -2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5, -2.0), (0.0, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, -1.5)))
theta0 Float[Array, 'links=2 muscles'] | Sequence[Sequence[float]]

The optimal angles of the muscles with respect to the joints (radians).

2 * pi * array(((15.0, 4.88, 0.0, 0.0, 4.5, 2.12), (0.0, 0.0, 80.86, 109.32, 92.96, 91.52))) / 360.0
l0 Float[Array, muscles] | Sequence[float]

The optimal length for each muscle.

array((7.32, 3.26, 6.4, 4.26, 5.95, 4.04))
f0 Float[Array, muscles] | Sequence[float]

The maximum isometric force for each muscle.

array((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
intervenors Optional[ArgIntervenors]

Intervenors associated with each model stage.

init (*,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> PlantState

Return a default state for the muscled arm.