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Muscle models¤

Currently, only variants of the Virtual Muscle Model (Brown et al., 1999) are implemented.

feedbax.mechanics.muscle.MuscleState (Module) ¤

Type of state PyTree operated on by AbstractMuscle instances.


Typically, muscle state variables are normalized. For example, muscle length is not in units of meters, but a multiple of the muscle's optimal length.


Name Type Description
activation Array

The muscle activation.

length Array

The muscle length.

velocity Array

The muscle contraction velocity.

tension Array

The tensile force generated by the muscle.

Constructors for specific variants of the Virtual Muscle Model¤


brown_1999_virtualmuscle(n_muscles: int = 1, noise_func: Optional[Callable] = None, params: PyTree[float] = BROWN_SLOWFAST_AVG_VIRTUALMUSCLE_PARAMS)

Returns a Virtual Muscle Model using the averaged slow/fast twitch parameters from Brown et al. 1999.


Name Type Description Default
n_muscles int

The number of muscles to model.

noise_func Optional[Callable]

Generates noise to add to the muscle force. Has the signature noise_func(input, force, key) -> Array, where input is the input to the muscle model.

params PyTree[float]

The parameters for the Virtual Muscle Model.



todorov_li_2004_virtualmuscle(n_muscles: int = 1, noise_func: Optional[Callable] = None, params: PyTree[float] = TODOROV_LI_VIRTUALMUSCLE_PARAMS)

Muscle model from Todorov & Li 2004.

Simplifies the Brown et al. 1999 Virtual Muscle Model:

  1. Omits the first passive element, PE1.
  2. Uses averages of the fast and slow twitch parameters from Brown 1999.


Name Type Description Default
n_muscles int

The number of muscles to model.

noise_func Optional[Callable]

Generates noise to add to the muscle force. Has the signature noise_func(input, force, key) -> Array, where input is the input to the muscle model.

params PyTree[float]

The parameters for the Virtual Muscle Model.



lillicrap_scott_2013_virtualmuscle(n_muscles: int = 1, noise_func: Optional[Callable] = None, params: dict = LILLICRAP_SCOTT_VIRTUALMUSCLE_PARAMS)

Muscle model from Lillicrap & Scott 2013.

Simplifies the Brown et al. 1999 Virtual Muscle Model:

  1. Uses the Hill approximation (removes denominator l dependency) for FV shortening.
  2. Omits both passive elements, PE1 and PE2.
  3. Uses the activation directly: A_f = a, thus also omits any Y and l_eff filters.
  4. Uses a mixture of fast twitch and averaged slow/fast twitch parameters from Brown 1999; see LILLICRAP_SCOTT_VIRTUALMUSCLE_PARAMS.


Name Type Description Default
n_muscles int

The number of muscles to model.

noise_func Optional[Callable]

Generates noise to add to the muscle force. Has the signature noise_func(input, force, key) -> Array, where input is the input to the muscle model.

params dict

The parameters for the Virtual Muscle Model.


Virtual Muscle Model¤

feedbax.mechanics.muscle.VirtualMuscle (AbstractMuscle) ¤

Implements the Virtual Muscle Model from Brown, Cheng, & Loeb 1999.


Name Type Description
n_muscles int

The number of muscles to model. From the perspective of this class, the muscles are modeled independently.

activation_func AbstractActivationFunction

The muscle activation function.

force_func AbstractFLVFunction

The muscle force-length-velocity function.

noise_func Optional[Callable[[Array, Array, Array], Array]]

An optional function that adds noise to the muscle force.

bounds: StateBounds[MuscleState] property ¤

Suggested bounds on the state.

__call__ (input: ModelInput,state: StateT,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> StateT
state_consistency_update (state: StateT) -> StateT
change_n_muscles (n_muscles: int) -> AbstractMuscle
init (*,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> MuscleState

Return a default state for the model.

Muscle input signal filters¤

feedbax.mechanics.muscle.ActivationFilter (AbstractDynamicalSystem) ¤

First-order model of the calcium dynamics of muscle activation.


Name Type Description
tau_act float

The activation time constant.

tau_deact float

The deactivation time constant.

__call__ (input: PyTree[Array],state: StateT,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> StateT
vector_field (t: Scalar,state: Array,input: Array)

Return the time derivative of activation.

Abstract base classes¤

feedbax.mechanics.muscle.AbstractMuscle (AbstractStagedModel[MuscleState]) ¤

Base class for muscle models.


Name Type Description
n_muscles AbstractVar[int]

The number of muscles to model. From the perspective of this class, the muscles are modeled independently.

activation_func AbstractVar[AbstractActivationFunction]

The muscle activation function.

force_func AbstractVar[AbstractFLVFunction]

The muscle force-length-velocity function.

noise_func AbstractVar[Optional[Callable[[Array, Array, Array], Array]]]

An optional function that adds noise to the muscle force.

__call__ (input: ModelInput,state: StateT,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> StateT
state_consistency_update (state: StateT) -> StateT
init (*,key: PRNGKeyArray) -> StateT
change_n_muscles (n_muscles: int) -> AbstractMuscle

Return a similar model for a different number of muscles.