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feedbax.mechanics.MechanicsState (Module) ¤

Type of state PyTree operated on by Mechanics instances.


Name Type Description
plant PlantState

The state of the plant.

effector CartesianState

The state of the end effector.

solver PyTree

The state of the Diffrax solver.

feedbax.mechanics.Mechanics (AbstractStagedModel[MechanicsState]) ¤

Discretizes the dynamics of a plant, and iterates along with the plant statics.


Name Type Description
plant AbstractPlant

The plant model.

dt float

The time step duration.

solver AbstractSolver

The Diffrax solver.

intervenors ModelIntervenors[MechanicsState]

The intervenors associated with each stage of the model.

model_spec: OrderedDict[str, ModelStage[Self, MechanicsState]] property ¤

Specifies the stages of the model.

__init__ (plant: AbstractPlant,dt: float,solver_type: Type[dfx.AbstractSolver] = dfx.Euler,intervenors: Optional[ArgIntervenors] = None,*,key: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None)


Name Type Description Default
plant AbstractPlant

The plant model.

dt float

The time step duration.

solver_type Type[AbstractSolver]

The type of Diffrax solver to use.

intervenors Optional[ArgIntervenors]

The intervenors associated with each stage of the model.

init (*,key: PRNGKeyArray)

Returns an initial state for use with the Mechanics module.

dynamics_step (input: PyTree[Array],state: MechanicsState,*,key: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None) -> MechanicsState

Return an updated state after a single step of plant dynamics.